Long Overdue Update
8 months ago
– Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 03:36:56 PM
I hope you're all doing great! I've got some exciting news about "Battle School: A Team-Based TTRPG." The book is 99% done, and I'm just putting on the finishing touches on layout before sending it to the editor for another round of feedback.
Shortly after that, I'll be sharing a "closed playtest" version of the PDF with all of you, along with a feedback form. Your input on any edits, tweaks, or suggestions will be super helpful in making the final product awesome.
I've primarily been putting off an update because I wanted the next one to include that PDF, but I've been silent too long so hopefully this catches you up and excites you for that phase.
I know the delays have been frustrating, but trust me, I’ve been eager to get this out to you. The only thing holding it up now are the important steps in the quality assurance process that I'm learning as a first-time self-publisher. Previous delays were out of my control and literal acts of God (tornadoes & moving), and I appreciate your patience and trust as I work to get this in your hands.
Also, I've got Backerkit set up for late pledges, pledge management, and updating your pledge and I will be releasing that next month.
In the meantime, check out some spreads from the book and some of the amazing art that's going into it.
Thanks so much for your support!
I'll see you amongst the stars.
-- Andrew
Delay on Rewards - Beta Testing Soon
10 months ago
– Wed, Apr 24, 2024 at 02:10:29 PM
I've been working hard to get you all your rewards and put the finishing touches on Battle School, and unfortunately, I get to join the long list of Kickstarters that have to announce a delay. The delay is mainly due to this being a first for me in publishing, bringing on collaborators, and adding to the project scope by adding in the adventure and Encounter deck.
"Bad" news aside, tons of work has been done making the game read better and play well. I've run countless playtests at this point and am excited to announce that as soon as I have it ready (hopefully sometime during May) I'll be sending out the Beta version of the PDF to all backers to provide feedback and to get a chance to start playtesting at your own tables.
For PDF backers, this is NOT the final version and you'll receive the updated version down the line.
Additionally for those of you wanting to upgrade your rewards or grab some add-ons, you'll be receiving an email from Backerkit very soon here to help manage pledges and reward fulfillment.
I'm working through final edits with my editor Zack (Bammax Games) as well as plugging away at the layout for the book with my wife Emily. It is really starting to come together!
Enough Business, let's show off some of my favorite pieces so far. I had the pleasure of hiring Ailantd to help create the visuals for the Cadet Types as well as visualize Ouroboros Station, and I couldn't be more excited.
Additionally, I've finished all of the cards for the deck and am running through them for quality control purposes this week to get them finalized. I've included some more of the art from the deck as well.
The Encounter Deck
The artwork for the entire deck is complete, just combing through and making small adjustments and tweaks with feedback from my team. This has been a huge amount of work and genuinely so fun to get to work on. I cannot wait to get this in your hands.
The book is almost done! + some general updates
12 months ago
– Fri, Mar 15, 2024 at 10:17:32 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit Kickstarter.com and log in to read.
The Campaign is over, What's Next?
about 1 year ago
– Fri, Mar 01, 2024 at 05:35:50 PM
This post is for backers only. Please visit Kickstarter.com and log in to read.
about 1 year ago
– Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 07:49:23 AM
This will be the last update before the end of the project, and HOLY COW!
We've hit my final stretch goal and unlocked the Deluxe cover.
Thank you all so much for making this an amazing first campaign. I'm beyond excited to get hard at work bringing this book into the world for all of you and I cannot WAIT to hear your stories of the battle room one day.
Remember if you're interested in upgrading to a higher tier or taking advantage of the new deluxe alt cover you can do so before the campaign ends.
I do have Backerkit set up so there'll be more opportunities after the campaign is finished if you're unable to now.
Thank you.
I'll see you amongst the stars.